Upcoming Auditions
No upcoming auditions at this time.
Please check back regularly for updates.
General audition policy information is provided below.
Department of Drama Audition and Casting Policy and Procedures
UVA Drama gives priority in casting to UVA students for Drama Mainstage and Development productions. Charlottesville community members and UVA faculty and staff are also encouraged to audition. When an appropriate student cannot be selected for a role due to requirements for the role, then community members, faculty, or staff may be cast in the role or recruited for a role.
Dance concert auditions are typically open only to UVA students.
Please see below for additional information on casting procedures.
Helms/Lab Series Auditions
Auditions for Virginia Players Lab Series shows will be conducted by the director of the production at his/her discretion. Actors will find audition notices for these productions posted on departmental bulletin boards. It is the actor’s responsibility to check for audition notices on a regular basis. We recommend at least once a week.
Mainstage Auditions
Audition Preparation for Mainstage Productions
Actors will be asked to perform a general audition consisting of no more than two short (one to two minutes) contrasting pieces. If a musical is being cast, the actor will also be required to sing a brief selection. Performance faculty may be consulted for selection of audition material.
Performers will be screened in these general auditions and selected for callbacks where readings from individual scripts will be the primary audition material. Some directors may also ask actors to improvise. Actors auditioning for musicals may be required to dance. Actors should arrive at least fifteen minutes before their scheduled audition time.
Audition Information Sheets
At the time of the general auditions, actors will be given an information sheet. It is important to read all the information detailed on this sheet very carefully including rehearsal dates and times; performance dates and times; special production requirements; and departmental casting policy.
Audition Schedule for Mainstage Season
Audition announcements are posted at least two weeks before scheduled audition dates on the Dept. of Drama main bulletin board in the office lobby adjacent to Room 201.